Echo Church
Discussion Guide

Change Your Playlist

Pastor Paul Feuerstein
January 12, 2025

Main Idea

The main idea of Pastor Paul's message 'Change your Playlist' was to shift our focus from the world's burdens to God's blessings. He highlighted that as Christians, we should not run to the world for comfort but to God, who provides us with a new birth, living hope, and a secure future inheritance. Pastor Paul urged us to change our internal 'playlist' to one that aligns with God's promises, enabling us to endure suffering with faith and the assurance of God's power and presence.

Scripture References

1 Peter 1:1, 1 Peter 1:3-6

1. How can we practically change our 'playlist' to focus more on God's blessings in times of suffering?

Burdens come from the world, but blessings come from God; let's run to Him for new life.

2. What does it mean to you to be 'born again' and how has it changed your perspective on life?

Discussion Questions:

3. How can we hold onto the living hope we have in Jesus when faced with life's challenges?

4. In what ways can we embrace our future inheritance in heaven during our earthly trials?

5. What are some shields we mistakenly use to protect ourselves from suffering, and how can we instead use faith as our shield?

Don't deny reality, but live by a greater reality where God's blessing outweighs your burden.


Pastor Paul Feuerstein from Echo Church introduced us to the new series 'Different' by diving into 1 Peter. He reminded us that we live in a world filled with suffering, yet as followers of Jesus, we are called to be different. Pastor Paul emphasized that while we experience both blessings and burdens, blessings come from God and burdens from the world. He encouraged us to change our 'playlist' - the way we mentally and spiritually respond to life's challenges - by embracing the blessings of new birth, living hope, a future inheritance, and strength for our suffering.

Call to Action

Some next steps to take this week:

Embrace the blessing of new birth by being born again and experiencing a new boss, new hope, new future, and new strength.

Change your internal 'playlist' to focus on God's blessings rather than the world's burdens.

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