Our Savior's Church - Lafayette
Discussion Guide

Who Owns Me

Pastor Jacob Aranza
April 21, 2024

Main Idea

The main idea of Pastor Jacob's sermon was the critical perspective of ownership and identity. He urged us to understand that true ownership lies with God, and our identity should be founded in Him rather than in our possessions or achievements. By focusing on honoring God with our wealth and prioritizing Him, we maintain a proper spiritual and emotional position. This approach helps keep our identity aligned with Christ and prevents the material world from dictating our values and actions.

Scripture References

Ephesians 6:1-3, Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10, Matthew 6:19-24

Discuss how prioritizing God in our finances can impact our personal and spiritual growth.

When we honor God with our obedience and resources, it is a reflection of His rightful place in our lives.

What are some practical ways we can demonstrate love and obedience to God in our daily lives?

Discussion Questions:

How does understanding God's ownership over everything we have change your perspective on stewardship?

Share a time when honoring God first led to a profound impact in your life.

What steps can we take to ensure our identity is rooted in Christ and not in our material possessions?

Our identity should not be tied to what we own but to the One who owns us.


Pastor Jacob focused on the theme of 'Who Owns Me,' emphasizing our role in honoring God through love, obedience, and financial stewardship. He illustrated the importance of recognizing God's ownership over everything we have, including our finances. By equating love and obedience with honor, he connected this to how we treat our parents and ultimately how we should treat God. The sermon highlighted prioritizing God in our finances as a reflection of His priority in our lives, ensuring our identity is rooted in Christ rather than material wealth.

Call to Action

Some next steps to take this week:

Reflect on how you prioritize God in your daily life and consider revising your budget to honor Him with your first fruits.

Engage in a personal or group study of the scriptures discussed to deepen your understanding of God’s teachings on stewardship and honor.

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